Hey! Just a reminder that I think all of us (including myself) need sometimes… That finish line isn’t real. You are not in a race. Slow down and enjoy every step.
Easier said than done, right? Life, especially in business, can feel like you’re trapped in a hamster wheel. Spinning and spinning, running and running, and sometimes never getting anywhere. OR it can just feel like you’re on an endless sprint. Even though you’re moving forward it can feel kind of miserable because you’re more focused on your pace than the journey. You don’t want that for you and I don’t want that for you!
So… what can help? Instead of looking at business as a constant race, you have to establish rhythms and routines in your life to release you from those “go, go, go” feelings. Here are 5 things that help you to sloooowww down (while still moving forward!!) in your business.

5 Ways to Slow Down in Your Business
- Don’t check Instagram/any business social media/emails on the weekend!!!
This is my simplest tip! Taking an intentional break from the constant grind will rejuvenate you to get back at it during the week!! Sure, there are times when emails can’t wait – I get it!! BUT your use of social media is a choice. And spoiler alert: the algorithm isn’t going to punish you for taking the weekend off!! If anything, your story views will be even higher on Monday! Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Your community will be excited to see what you’re up to after a little time away. And you’ll feel ready to share with them! Any time that you can give yourself a break (within reason) – take it.
- Ask for help!
Asking for help is one of the bravest things you can do. Seriously! The world has taught us that asking for help is a sign of weakness or inadequacy. NOPE! Asking for help is brave. Delegating tasks is literally one of the smartest things you can do for your business. I believe that there is something that you do for your business that you are the absolute best at and no one can do better than you can. THAT is where you want to put all of your effort. If there are other areas where someone can do just as good of a job as you OR better and you’re at a point in your business where you are financially ready for employees, hire someone! Your time will increase and your return will grow! This allows you to focus all of your efforts in the area that you’re the most skilled in. When you’re working on something you love, you’re less likely to feel the pressures of a race.
- Do something different!
Ok this one is pretty simple, but can have a big impact. Simply, give your brain a break! Find ways to incorporate your other passions into your life outside of your business. Even if it’s just for a few minutes! Also… state changes! Take a break, turn on your favorite song, jump around, and shake that stressful energy out of your body before going back to work. If you’ve followed me on Instagram for any amount of time you know how big of an impact this has had on my work life!
- Don’t judge your progress by weeks, or even months.
Think about where you were 7 years ago. I would guess that you’re barely even the same person. Your schedule looks different, you have a different vibe, different fashion sense, maybe different friends, different goals – YOU are different! Did you know that your body’s cells replace themselves every 7 to 10 years?! That’s wild! You don’t necessarily notice a change in yourself over the days, weeks, or months. But over the years?! Freaking huge amazing changes happen! Same goes for business! It is a looonnngggg game! And when you compare one year, or 3, or 5 years to the past, I guarantee that transformation will blow you away.
- Celebrate along the way!
That finish line isn’t real, remember? That means there doesn’t have to be an end to your business journey and you can celebrate every step of the way! And who doesn’t love a good celebration?? Here are a few of my top things to celebrate as a business owner! I’ve found that when you celebrate along the way, it decreases the stress and mental strain that comes from only having one main goal in mind. Every little win and lesson learned is a step forward, and that is worthy of celebrating.

Your life and your business are not a race. Again, THERE IS NO FINISH LINE! How much of a relief do you feel when you really believe that?! If you’re not there yet, I want to challenge you to start incorporating some of these rhythms and routines into your life, and then you can let me know how you feel. Deal?
Also, I want you to think about the people in your life that you’re closest to. Is that your spouse? Your kids? Your dog?? Your friends? They aren’t viewing your business life as a race. They love you SO much. They want you to enjoy your life. And that means taking what you need and loving every second that you can. Just keep moving forward.
You got this. There is no race.
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