Instastories Unlocked

In this 90 minute workshop, you'll learn to craft binge worthy stories that nurture your community in a way that creates true  fans (friends) and loyal customers.

Make Instagram stories your gold mine

I have made over seven figures from instagram story conversions alone! 



Lets resuscitate those dead stories shall we?

Do you feel like there is no hope for your story views?  Worried that the people you DO have will leave? As hard as you try you cannot move the numbers up? 

"Usually my instastories are garbage during launches. But I had my biggest launch ever using what you taught me!"

-Esme F

It's very tempting to push instagram stories to the bottom of your to do list

You say: I'll post when I have something important to say or sell

Posting out of obligation and scarcity is not the vibe. 

Letting fear and worry about what people are thinking of you has held you back for far too long. The strategies are not complex, but they do require bravery!

So many people treat insta stories like a car dealership, always selling something.  OR they don't show up at all, hoping that the reels they spend so much time on will do the heavy lift. 

Learn the 7 part strategy to making your stories
"I have to have that" 


"I cannot believe how much more myself I feel doing stories now. It's like I am a new human and it shows! People are coming out of the woodworks to buy from my stories!"

– lindsey b.

"I'm already seeing increased story views after making a couple of tweaks off of this course that ended 2 hours ago." 

– briana

"My instagram views have TRIPLED since this training! I thought they would be stuck forever."

– kaTie T

A strong story strategy is literally money in the bank.

You will learn how to create the know, like, and trust factor with ease. No more overthinking.

You'll learn the psychology that keeps people coming back day after day. 

You'll learn how to stop people from watching the first story, and then bouncing.

You'll learn about platforms to increase conversions higher than any other era of instagram.

 stop losing customers to sub par competition!

Making stories makes you feel awkward AF

I've got you!!!

"I feel like I have nothing of value to say" 
"I feel awkward sharing stories" 
"I don't even know what to show" 
"Why would anyone watch me?"

The details:

90 minute masterclass led by Suzy Holman. Whose story views boast 20,000-30,000 people DAILY. 
Watch on your own time, at your own pace!
One payment of $97


Does this sound familiar?


You started your business to gain more freedom but you are working 24/7. You are so burnt out you don't have time to make your stories a part of your strategy.


You've been feeling major worry that what you're cooking up is going to fall flat because you're not sure if people will see it? 


You haven't been showing up consistently and worry that it's to late to turn your story views around.


You've invested soooo dang much time into instagram and your low story views makes you want to give up all together.


You're scared, period. You don't want to look stupid! 

The five elements to a good story

How do you pitch your offering without feeling awkward or forced.

Common mistakes people make that kill story views.

Current outside instagram tools used to increase conversions

Copywriting mistakes. The words in stories are just as powerful as the visuals.

How to switch the positioning of your offer to optimize success. Where to place the pitch.

In this event we will cover:

The offer story. We as humans relate to each other through stories. Is your story being told in a way that drives emotion to purchase? We will show you the way. 

SELLING! Make serving through sales your superpower once you understand the psychology of how to really help your customer.

How to build momentum and surprises that keep people coming back for more.

How to break through customers resistance to purchase.

When to post, when to take breaks.

What industry knowledge is best to share 

How stories create more credibility than any other source.

The four types of stories needed to crush launches.

This event is perfect for you if...

You are a business owner, influencer or anyone who uses their face to make sales on instagram

You are ready to resuscitate your dead story views, and are willing to show up with authenticity.

You’re ready to dedicate time to learning principles you can take with you your whole career.


​You’re tired of feeling disapointed, discouraged and, fearful and you are ready to grow a large loyal community. 

Meet Suzy

Serial seven figure entrepreneur Suzy got her start as an influencer, selling products for brands like Walmart, Amazon,Ebay in her stories. She realized she had unlocked secrets of selling and saw just how much money she was making for other brands. She decided to start her own company and put her stories to work for herself.  She is the owner of Suzy School, a multiple seven figure business teaching women to grown their business using social mea. And the co-founder of viral product company JOVI.

Frequently Asked Questions

I don't have a business up and running yet is this for me?

This is perfect because you can build a loyal follower foundation to launch something to when you're ready!

If I change my mind can I get a refund?

There are no refunds for this event.

If I am a product company will this work for me?

This will require that you show faces of your company. Human connection is key and we will teach you how to incorporate storytelling for your company, even if there isn't a "founding face."

I don't own my business, but run the social media for someone else. 

Get prepared to be the most valuable employee they've got. Dazzle them with the strategy behind each sale!

If I am a product company will this work for me?

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