Pivot!!! Anyone else hear Ross from Friends yelling while carrying a couch on the stairs? I’m pretty sure 99% of you get this reference! Anyways…
Pivoting in your business! It can truly be the literal best thing to happen to you when it’s needed! Not going to lie, I am known to be the queen of the pivot. As I’ve worked to find and establish myself in my niche I have probably pivoted 5,261 times… at least! Each pivot, in one way or another, gets you closer to the best your business can be.

So, why might you find yourself needing to pivot in your business?
- You’re feeling creatively stagnant
- Your sales have plateaued
- There’s been a huge shift in your industry
- A change in your financial situation
- You need to relocate for reasons outside your control
- You feel more aligned with something new
- Etc, etc, etc. – these are just a few examples! There are literally thousands of freaking awesome reasons to pivot!
What you might notice is some of these reasons to pivot come from within yourself and your business, while others come from the outside! Either way, I truly believe that you will know in your soul if and when you need to pivot. When that time comes, I want you to keep these 3 things in mind…
- A pivot also doesn’t have to be this MASSIVE shift! Sometimes it’s the tiniest of micro pivots that literally shift your business and your soul into alignment. Yes, totally there are massive pivots that can be freaking awesome too, but don’t consider the size of the pivot itself – consider the impact of the result. Sometimes less is more.
- Test, test, test! Before you throw it all to the wind, TEST a few things out where you’re wanting to see changes. Sometimes you know you need a pivot but you don’t know exactly what direction to go. What feels most aligned to you? Where are you seeing results financially or with your community?
- I cannot stress the importance of conducting a competitive analysis before you pivot! As always you want to add more value than your competitors in your industry. What areas do you see that can be improved in your industry? What can you pivot to doing that no one else is doing??

Are you in a season where you feel the need or urge to pivot? I know it can feel wildly scary BUT it is also so wildly exciting! There is actual magic that comes from a pivot that knocks you into alignment. While this is business work, I also believe that it is soul work. Your business and your soul are incredibly intertwined in a way that is so beautiful. When your soul thrives, your business can thrive and vice versa. A good pivot will bring more alignment, flow, and ease into your business. It should help to eliminate that uphill battle that so many feel in their businesses. I want this for you!!!
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