
5 Tips To Stand Out In A Saturated Market

February 14, 2022

hey, I'm suzy
I'm that friend you talk business with. I believe you've gotta build your dreams one step at a time.

All too often I hear business owners OR potential business owners worry about their markets becoming oversaturated. BUT I am here to tell you that there are always, always, always ways to stand out in a saturated market! No matter what your niche is, there is always plenty of room. Why? Because there is no other YOU in your niche. The thought that there isn’t enough room or that the market is oversaturated is one that I’ve seen hold waayyyyy too many people back.

So, what can you do to stand out? Here are my tips!

5 Ways to Stand Out in a Saturated Market

  1. Build your audience

Community is EVERYTHING. Were you around when I launched Jovi solely on the community that I’d built on my Instagram? Before you even launch a product in any market, consider building up a community that knows, likes, and trusts you. When you have a community they will rally for you in a way that they wouldn’t for any other brand in your niche! Why? Because they already know you, what you’re about, your values, your motives, etc. So of course they are going to love what you’re doing with your business! Make sure that you consider them as you build your business and your product. 

  1. Utilize storytelling

This is such a missed opportunity I see with brands! Nothing converts better than a story. It’s literally how mankind connects – through storytelling! When you carefully craft the stories your brand tells it allows your customers to create emotional connections to your brand and whatever it is you sell. The best stories have highs, lows, details, and they take you on a journey. Weave in your own stories, customer stories, stories about each of your products, and your origin story! There are a few key stories that if done right, your raving fans will tell for you because they come to know it so dang well. Make your stories sticky to stand out. 

  1. Fix a problem in your industry

My guess is, whatever industry you’re in isn’t perfect. Even if you have a competitor that seemingly has a “perfect” product, there likely is something that’s not so perfect about their branding, or customer service, or marketing, or location, etc, etc, etc! So, mix it up! Add more value in your industry and do not stick to the status quo. Do you know what this is called? INNOVATION. Do something different, better, faster, stronger than your competitors. And also, be loud about it! Your ideal customers will see this and it will help you to stand out above others in your niche market.

  1. Know your customer better than anyone else 

Get to know your customers, because then you can tailor your brand/business/product to be the absolute best it can be for them! Better than anyone else in your saturated niche market! This is how you gain their trust and get their business. Obviously stay true to yourself! But find ways to add more value and add the best value for them! How can you find out what your customers like? Surveys! Put polls on your Instagram, ask for feedback, send out a survey in an email, read your reviews. Go to the source! 

  1. Focus on a specific offering 

Do not spread yourself too thin. Become the freaking best at a very specific thing first. Let’s use Jovi as an example again. We have one offering. The patch. That’s it! But you know what? Because we aren’t spread thin, we’re able to create the absolute best product of its kind in our niche market. Literally no one else in the realm of period cramps is doing what we’re doing. Rather than focusing on tons of offerings, just get really good at a few things!

With dedication and a unique take, no niche market is ever too saturated. I KNOW you have it in you to stand out!! 



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  1. Eliza Stinson says:

    Thank you Suzy for all of your knowledge! I love learning from you, I’m like a sponge soaking up all thing Suzy. What if we don’t have a product yet we are just working on our community?

    • Suzy Holman says:

      Hiiii!! Use your existing community to develop an offer for! Poll them, find out what they need, how you can serve them and continue to grow from there!

  2. […] out what makes you unique is one of the more fun parts of being a business – check out this blog post for all my best tips for standing out! The more unique your offer is, the better your sales. And I […]

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I'm Suzy

I'm that friend you talk business with. I believe you've gotta build your dreams one step at a time.

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