
Why Competition is a Good Thing

Work until your idols become your rivals. Ok, just to clarify, that doesn’t mean go crazy mean girl on anyone where you’re competing in a nasty way!!! It also doesn’t mean you’re going to copy anyone!  What it DOES mean is that you can analyze and learn from the competition in your industry in order […]

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The #1 Tool for Instagram Growth

This is it. Reels are currently theeeee number one way to grow on Instagram. I hear you already, “Reels are scary, I don’t know what to make, I don’t know HOW to make them?!?” I have felt that! But, it’s time to embrace that video content is not going away. It is here to stay […]

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The Psychology of Selling | Know, Like, Trust

Ooooo it’s time to scratch the surface of some selling secrets!!! This is so exciting! Truly, I love this stuff. Did you know that selling really comes down to psychology? When you develop a business you’ve got your offer, developed your branding, and then it’s time to get customers to do business with you and […]

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Nailing Your Niche Market

The riches are in the niches! Ok, ok, I know that actually only rhymes depending on where you’re from and how you pronounce “niche”! But for the sake of fun, read that in a way that makes it rhyme, ok?! But seriously, you haavveee to have a niche market to have a successful business! So, […]

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The Website Copy Skim Test

Oh heeeyyyyyy!!! Let’s talk all things websites & copy!!  Is your website working for you? Is it fully optimized? Your website copy is your number one champion for sales, or it can be your biggest deterrent! Why?? Let’s get into it!  I absolutely love the way that Donald Miller of StoryBrand explains our brains’ reaction […]

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Brand Pillars

Branding!! It’s a science and an art! But what even makes a brand a brand?!  Honestly, the word brand is soooo general and can easily be twisted into something it’s not, or pigeonholed into just colors, fonts, logos, etc! But I cannot put enough emphasis on the fact that your brand is so so much […]

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Business Owner vs. Business Operator

The goal is to work ourselves out of being a business operator businesses to become a business owner. Why? Freedom.

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Year Review and New Plans!

Oh wow, I DID NOT see this year coming. I wish I was writing a letter of all rainbows, unicorns and wild psychotic success. But the end of year this year, my heart feels a little heavy if I’m being honest. While the success of Suzy School and Jovi were there, there was also a lot of personal loss and […]

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Breaking Out of Your Box

Does anyone resonate with feeling stuck in a box? Trapped in the idea of what you think you need to do, or who you need to be? My guess is, either you have felt that before or you’re feeling it right now. It happens to all of us.  At some point in life, each of […]

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Business Must Haves and Nice to Haves

Must Haves, Nice to Haves, & Don’t Needs When You’re in the Beginning Stages of Business

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hey there!

I'm Suzy!

I'm that friend you talk business with. I believe you've gotta build your dreams one step at a time.

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