Oh wow, I DID NOT see this year coming. I wish I was writing a letter of all rainbows, unicorns and wild psychotic success. But the end of year this year, my heart feels a little heavy if I’m being honest. While the success of Suzy School and Jovi were there, there was also a lot of personal loss and change that made 2021 a toughie. But the bitter also came with the sweet as it brought perspective changes, deeper connection to myself, others and to God.

I officially left behind the influencer Suzy persona and account of @simplysuzys to become the world changing patch of @meet_jovi. This was a hotly debated and controversial move. I’m grateful to be such a polarizing person to be honest. To polarize is to hold power… even if it stings sometimes reading the rough things people think about me as a human. That move was made for my own personal freedom and life purpose. Zero regrets and the deepest gratitude for the 180 it changed my life into.

Jovi launch day with Kim (my best friend) and our team!! We did over a million dollars in a record 4 hours. I had told everyone in the company “We are going to do a million dollar day.” To which they all said “You need to lower your expectations there is no way.” And we did it. And I cried. Like so much crying and happy tears. Favorite month of the year.

Suzy School at the Skurch and Todd decided officially to sell his dental practice to try out a new life in Arizona. This decision wasn’t made lightly. Leaving behind the 8 years of schooling, six years of patients and his two best friends that were his partners… this was a tough one. Todd placed the ultimate “bet” on me in doing so. I miss my Colorado friends everyday. But holy crap this decision changed the game for our life for the better.

Ryan died. My best friend (and actual soul mate sister) husband died in a car accident. And my world was rocked. Every perspective I had was challenged and in some ways still remains so. This marked the start of a spiritual awakening journey of sorts for me. I will always thank Ryan for that.

Summer, Jovi, grief, Kim, fishing, island park, bought a rental house in Idaho, cousins. A picuresque Idaho summer spent at the lake with my kids. Started a consulting arm of Suzy School because I have a growing a business addiction that I can’t kick 🙂

We move to Arizona and our house project got out of hand reallll quick 🙂 But we LOVED the pool, the people, and the community we randomly landed in.

Our nephew who was 23 years old passed away while running a marathon. More life shaking and grief filing our days with dark, but making the light feel even more intense and beautiful. He taught me the joy of a good adventure and making memories with your people. I’m trying to do that more because of him.

My first ever official online courses were launched marking a new era for Suzy School. I was BLOWN away by the response. Low key shocked actually, mostly so freaking grateful. The courses need perfecting, but for my first go, I was happy!

Consulting and Jovi’ing filled my days and Squid games filled the nights. 10/10 DO NOT recommend that show, it’s the literal worst ever made haha.

I CHILLED! Literally took most of the month completely off. I’m feeling rested, rejuvenated. I walk out of 2021 a better person. A person more present in her life, a person more connected to the people I love dearly. A person who wants to slow the freak down a little and smell the roses. A person I’m proud to be becoming. All the business wins aside… that is what I’m most proud of. I’m not where I want to be yet…. but I’m closer than last year.
Thanks for being here! You support our family by being here and I’m so so so grateful! Honestly, I don’t know what 2022 will hold. But here are some of my plans. I don’t think most people share their plans, because let’s be honest they likely will all go to hell quarter 1 and you will watch me pivot 12 times will some of these things blow up in my face haha. But here it goes:
- Investing in and branding an erectile dysfunction company (not a joke… I’m oddly so stoked haha the Reddit haters are gonna loooovveee this)
- An influencer retreat where we teach influencers how to start their own businesses
- A family trip to Hawaii
- A small group INSANELY cool, epic, perfect consulting clients
- Possibly buy a business and grow it for fun #addict
- A rad, slow summer
- A top secret launch and Suzy School online coming back in the Fall
- Annnnd a shiz ton of days doing absolutely nothing at all
- Oh and also: learn to make pottery
2022 lets freaking GOOOO!
Love you for being here, for real.
Thanks for sharing! I’m terrified to share because it’s been years in the making and I’m unsure if this year will be it…. We said 2020 was gonna be it and we know exactly how that turned out for everyone! 😆
Ok here it goes.
1: biggest dream and focus- get Jane June extensions system legitimately out there and start teaching to other
2: decide what we’re doing home wise. We are in a rental we have to be out of by June. We are in a ward we LOVE but know the realities of finding what we want in a track neighborhood under 2000$ rent will be miraculous. Preparing our hearts. We want to go up to pinetop. It feels right but soooooooo scary and unsure on timing. Do we purchase something small to just visit and rent here in the valley for a time? Do we hold out and keep our savings and wait for building to chill so we can do a full land purchase and build? Is that even where Heavenly Father wants us? Though we feel the pull!
3: vaca to see the hubs sister in Oklahoma and visit hubs brother in Cape Cod.
4: more efficiently stay away from sugar, dairy and gluten
5: decide on a DR for my future mommy makeover ( I had bariatric sleeve surgery 2.5yrs ago to help my PCOS and have lost 100lbs. I’m ready to get this house my soul lives in all tightened up and get rid of the extra storage that was carrying all that extra baggage! ( this is huge too)
6: study the scriptures with more purpose. Pray with intent and focus. Be more aware of those around me and serve!
Why did you have to leave your beautiful home in Colorado and all that you had built there, like, @simplysuzy, which you were earning a sizable income from, Skurch school, and Todd’s practice, which was doing great, to reach your goals? Why couldn’t Todd continue working his practice, which he worked years to obtain, perhaps working less days and still allow you to do what you wanted? It appears you have the financial freedom to do what you want regardless of where you live. It seems you are continually busy creating and traveling no matter where you live.