Who is guilty of playing small and shrinking yourself because you’re afraid? I can guarantee to you that at least 99.9% of us have done this at some point in life, myself included!! We do this out of fear, embarrassment, laziness, etc! We stay small and I get it. BUT I want to challenge you to start playing big. Play big with your business, your relationships, your LIFE! Literally do not shrink yourself in any area of your existence. Why? Because it matters for you and for those around you. Let me explain!

What do we as women do when we keep ourselves small and hold ourselves back? Who do we help? No one? I would challenge that. We do help someone. We “help” ourselves when we stay small. We put ourselves in a box that’s safe and comfortable. Heck we like it in there! But how does staying small and in your box help you? There is no opportunity for growth, dream chasing, or the ability to live a full, joyful, and abundant life!
Also do we help our relationships by staying small? Or the people around us? Our friends, our family, our community, the world! No, we actually don’t! I can guarantee to you that changing the world doesn’t happen when you stay small inside of your box. So get out of that box! It changes the world and invites others to do the same. We owe it to those around us and ourselves to publicly go chase our dreams and GO BIG!
The statement, “her success is beautiful proof that you in fact can succeed too” actually explains why going big in life is so important! Literally it inspires others and instigates growth and change! Imagine how freaking boring the world would be if we all stayed small. Nothing would happen and others around us wouldn’t be inspired and encouraged. When we chase our dreams, get out of our boxes, and get aligned in our passions it actually invites others to find something different in themselves and do the same! I know that there are women here on this earth who do that for you. And YOU are that woman for others! Think about that! That’s actually magic. I completely love it!

I want you to commit to yourself that you’re going to play big. We as women do not help anyone by staying small. Do it for your little girl, for those friends from high school, for anyone watching. Show them that they can play big too. That the work that they’re doing matters! Eyes are watching you. Probably more than you realize!! When you give everything your very best, they see that!! It challenges and inspires them to give everything their best too and really go big in life and in business. Something that I say over and over again is… a fulfilled woman changes herself, her family, and the world. I know that a fulfilled woman is going after everything she wants in life and playing big. I also know that this woman can be you, if it isn’t already.
Freaking step into your power and play big. You got this!
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