Oh heyyyy! Let’s talk Instagram captions today! When you write a caption I want you to focus on making it a compelling caption to drive engagement. This is the tool on Instagram that allows you to connect with your audience that prefers to read over listen! So we have to make sure it translates in the best way possible to build know, like, and trust with your ideal customers. How do you do that? I’ve got 3 of my top caption writing tips for you!

1. Read your caption out loud BEFORE you hit post.
My #1 tip for writing a killer caption? Read it OUT LOUD in your voice before you post it. Make sure you sound like yourself and like an actual human. Tweak it from there! You want your voice to come through in your writing! Not your writing voice, your literal voice. The voice that you use when you’re talking to your friends! This builds know and like with your customers. It drives the personal connection that they feel with you through the power of written storytelling.
First of all, when I do this, it’s how I catch any punctuation errors. Second, it helps me process these questions… “Ok does that sound like me? Would I ever say that?” You are a unique speaker, so make sure to transfer that to writing!
My biggest tip to help you get used to infusing your voice into your writing is journaling, practicing captions, any type of personal writing. Until your brand voice becomes clear, SPEND TIME PRACTICING WRITING!!!
2. Create a grabbing first line and call to action.
Ok, this is your caption sandwich!
- Grabbing first line
- Meaty content
- Call to action
Here’s how it works! Create a grabbing first line so they are compelled to push “read more”. All you’ve got is those top two sentences to pull someone in. Don’t waste them! Follow that up with so much valuable content that people can’t help but read and engage. And finally, encourage engagement! A GREAT way to do this is through a CTA – call to action. Everrryyyyyy caption ever should have one of these.
Examples of CTA’s include…
“Comment if you’ve ever ________.”
“Tag your favorite ________.”
“Tag your best ________.”
3. Try out different caption lengths.
I want you to commit to trying out different caption lengths on your audience and track the insight for two weeks OR if you have varying caption lengths already, go review the insights and take notes. What translated best with your audience? Check how many saves your post received, how many likes, the reach! All of this will give you clues as to what works best. Use this information to determine what length is best and follow that up with writing and rewriting your captions as many times as you have to. A good caption takes me at least an hour to craft and compose.

Captions, captions, captions! How are you feeling? Are you ready to start practicing?? Spend legit time on your captions. Don’t just assume that no one will read them! They are valuable!!
I know, know, know that you are beyond capable of writing compelling captions to engage your audience and ideal customers on Instagram. Happy writing!
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