Did you know that just like in life, business has seasons??
You can always expect the seasons to change throughout the year. This is the same when it comes to business! To build a thriving business you need to alter how you run it and what you focus on in each season. And you need to be prepared for what is coming. There are seasons of planting, seasons of tender care, seasons of harvesting, and also seasons of winter. In your business there may be seasons and cadences where you will not sell for a bit, and then you’ll go into a selling season or a launch and do more selling! This is exciting!
Spring: Planting
Spring is SUCH a freaking exciting season in business! Heads up, it’s also the busiest season of business too. This is when you take advantage of new opportunities and set your business up for future success! While you’re in this season pay close attention to what exactly it is you’re planting so that you can be ready for Summer. Are your goals attainable? Have you put too much on your plate making it impossible to tend to it all? Or the reverse – have you planted enough to sustain your business until the next Spring? Make sure your plans are clear and set your future self up for success!

Summer: Tender Care
You’ve planted your new goals, visions, and ideas for your business and now it’s time to care for them. This is where you work hard and invest in your business to make your dreams a reality. Those small seeds you intentionally planted will blossom and thrive. In Summer, it is important to focus on marketing whatever it is you’re selling. You want to turn your ideal customers into your actual customers! Show up over and over again in all the areas of your marketing funnel (more on that here!) This is the perfect time to execute a killer launch to lead into harvesting in the Fall.
Fall: Harvesting
Heck yes! You’ve made it to the harvest season! Let’s reap those rewards from alllllll that hard work from Spring and Summer! This is probably the most comfortable season – the selling season. Your marketing and launch was a success, sales are rolling in, your bank account is flush, your customers are happy, and you’re feeling good. Don’t just rush over that! Celebrate it! Those wins in Fall will keep you going when Winter comes. During this season, make sure you set aside plenty of savings for Winter! It’s also a great time to make any sort of business investment that will increase your return in the future!

Winter: Resting
At some point, Winter always comes. Now, sometimes it can be mild and sometimes it can feel like a freaking blizzard that snows you in. Winter can also be a choice – a time of intentional rest to go hard again in the Spring – or it can feel forced upon you – business is slow, clients have moved on, you took a hard financial hit, etc. Either way, use this time to rest and figure out what will serve your business best once it’s Spring again AND what you need to let go of! Don’t underestimate what resting, recovering, and rejuvenating can do for your business and you as a business owner! Winter can seem scary, but it doesn’t have to be!
I find that the concept of business seasons is SO useful to remember because during any season we as business owners may feel totally stuck or like things are dragging on. BUT a new season is always coming! It’s also important to remember that there is no correct speed at which the seasons change. The seasons in your business are not going to match the seasons of another business. Also, I want you to know that this cycle isn’t always perfect. A new launch is not always going to lead to a season of harvest, but when it does?! Freaking awesome, way to go! Every season brings you to a better and stronger business!
What season of business are you in right now?
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