Do you feel aligned in your life? Ok I’m not talking about your spine fyi!! I’m talking about feeling aligned in your emotions, in your head, your heart, your whole self!! This is so key when it comes to you and your brand. You have to, have to, have to be aligned for it to flow and bring joy and abundance into your life.

How do you when you’re aligned?
How do you know when you’re aligned? When you’re aligned with your heart, soul, business, and purpose you feel like you can breathe. You literally can feel it in your body! Some people feel it in their heart, or their head, or like there are full tingles down their bodies. I feel it in my chest. It feels expansive and like I can breathe. It’s a buzz! This is the feeling of alignment. I believe this is what we were created to feel and I want each and every one of you to feel aligned in your life.
How do you know when you’re not aligned?
How do you know when you’re NOT aligned? When you’re not aligned you feel contracted. It makes you small. It’s a “should” or it’s someone else’s opinion that is making you feel small. I call these “alignment killers”. Alignment killers knock you down and prevent you from making strides in your life and in your brand. The GOOD news is, you can overcome them!!! These are the top 4 alignment killers that I see come up for different individuals and brands…
- Comparison
- Relying on others’ voices
- Needing others’ opinions
- Not making time to think
None of those alignment killers sound appealing at all, right?? Like ugh!! Let’s talk them through and knock them out one by one.
- Nothing kills more dreams than comparison!! Do not, do not, do not, get sucked into the deep dark hole of comparing yourself to others. Yes, participate in market research in your business. BUT don’t use it to talk down on yourself. Use it to inspire yourself to greatness! I’ve said this over and over again, but market research is what inspires innovation. I love that form of “comparison”. If following certain businesses or people on Instagram causes you to compare and despair – UNFOLLOW! Intentionally place yourself in situations where you won’t fall into the trap of comparison.
- Do not rely on the voices of others. I love the quote, “Stop asking people who have never been where you’re going for directions.” Ooof! You cannot rely on the voices of others when they have never been where you want to go. I can guarantee that there will be people in your life that are really loud, but they have no actual backing to what they are talking about. Yes, seek counsel and rely on those in your life who pour wisdom into you. But, don’t listen to the masses and the “Karens”.
- Who do you feel the need to impress?? Why do you feel like you don’t impress them already? Seriously, you do not NEED other people’s opinions! You NEED your own! How do you feel about yourself? How do you feel about your brand? Focus on you and your family and those closest to you!
- Setting aside time to think is one of the biggest game changers when it comes to making decisions and getting inspired. You can read more about allll my thoughts on that here! When you get quiet and really listen to yourself, that is when you will discover the steps to take to get aligned. This is seriously so magical for both yourself personally and for your business.
Ok, how does all that sound??

Once you feel fully locked into your alignment that is when you reach your full potential! But don’t worry if you feel like this sounds super difficult and like it’s so far out of reach. First of all, I KNOW you have the power in you to figure it out. Second, it’s not like a one and done for anyone! You’re likely not going to feel like “I’m so aligned! I’ve done it!” after a day. It’s more like… “I’m aligned today, and then I might get knocked out of my alignment tomorrow by an alignment killer.” BUT the good news is, you’ll know what to do next. You’ll know how to re-center and bring yourself back to alignment in your life. You have it in you! I just know it!!
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