my why

Suzy Method Retreats

When I started hosting retreats I immediately knew how transformative the work was. I wanted to reach everyone but knew I would be limited in my time! That's where the Suzy Method comes in.

I recently created an intimate coaching container built to transform leaders, so that they can transform others. We met over the course of 30 days to develop the women as leaders and to develop their retreats that are going to change the world! Each of these women below have amazing stories to tell and are ready to transform lives! If you feel a pull to in-person connection, I cannot recommend these retreats enough!

the whimsy retreat

October 3-6, 2022
Scottsdale, AZ

Discover the magic that makes you, you! Plant the seeds of transformation in your personal + business life during this three day retreat in a private mansion! Remove mental blocks with Jamie Gordon, the Unstuckologist, learn about the enneagram and human design, take professional photos for your brand, get one on one and group coaching and more!

Click here to learn more!

founded + funded

Have you been craving more connection? 
Building a business but missing the magic?
Feeling like you are ready for SO MUCH MORE?

Join us for a three days of business masterminding- where we help you dig deep, find your gifts, and strategize on how you are going to use them to grow your very own MAGIC towards PROFIT and PURPOSE. 

Ready to get un-stuck and make money on Instagram? 

Welcome to The Founders School.

Click here to learn more!

The Rural Rooted Retreat

June 8-11, 2022
Graham, Texas

A hands on, high intensive retreat focused on community, self development, and online marketing for women in the Ag, Western & Rural lifestyle!


Click here to learn more!

Keys to the vault

June 10-11, 2022
Scottsdale, Utah

My two-day ‘Keys to the Vault’ retreat gives you the hands-on experience and education you need to make it happen. Aren’t you ready to stop working for your Instagram feed and start making it work for you? You are worthy of creating the business of your dreams.

Consider this your personal invitation to a life-changing event that will literally transform your business in the best way. My experienced coaches and I will help you uncover the right mindset about marketing, unlock clarity regarding your value and unravel every nuance about your target customer and their journey. You’ll even go home with a social media calendar filled with enough reusable content to last a full year.
*cue the happy tears of relief*

Click here to learn more!

Bloom - A transformative Retreat for Women

July 7-10, 2022
Bear Canyon Glampground in Nephi, Utah

Is your brain full of clutter, busy, and a bit cloudy? Do you find it hard to receive answers from God, the spirit or a higher power? Are your primary feelings throughout the day irritation, anger, guilt, worry, or doubt? Is there something in your life you wish was different, better, or more successful? If you answered yes to any of these questions you are not alone. I have been there and honestly still go there sometimes. This is exactly why I am hosting retreats. To feel better and help others learn how to feel better too!

A clear mind will become a reality for you. You will find more Connection with yourself so you can receive direct answers through a higher power. Disconnect from the world so you can reconnect with the blossoming you. Love, excitement, acceptance, and COMPASSION can become your new primary feelings as you learn how to create the life of your dream.

Click here to learn more!

Beyond Beauty School

June 13, 2022
Ogden, Utah

This is for you if:
  • You are a burned out hair stylist looking to find the fire again.
  • You have a successful business & want it to grow.
  • Looking for home/work life balance.
  • You are humble & teachable.
  • You want to get in a circle of women who also want to show up big.
  • You want to catapult your business forward.
  • You are ready to invest in yourself & your business & learn strategies that will help you reach your full potential.

Click here to learn more!

The Female Warrior Rally Retreat

November 3-6, 2022
Lake of the Ozarks, MO 

This is for you if you are a woman in leadership who is burnt out and doubting yourself in your leadership over the last 2 years. This retreat will take you from burnt out and stuck to rallying in your strengths and confidence to be the Female Warrior Leader you have always been and more.

Click here to learn more!