
Nailing Your Niche Market

January 21, 2022

hey, I'm suzy
I'm that friend you talk business with. I believe you've gotta build your dreams one step at a time.

The riches are in the niches! Ok, ok, I know that actually only rhymes depending on where you’re from and how you pronounce “niche”! But for the sake of fun, read that in a way that makes it rhyme, ok?! But seriously, you haavveee to have a niche market to have a successful business!

So, let’s talk about nailing your niche

What is a niche market?

A strong, defined niche is KEY to the success of your business. First of all, what even is a niche?! A niche market is targeting a very specific group of people instead of everyone. By targeting your specific niche, you’re able to better serve that community AND be the absolute best at what you do. I hear from people all the time that say, “but I’m a jack of all trades! I just want to do it all!” I hear you! BUT that doesn’t serve your ideal client, or the health of your business. Energy is wasted when you’re working horizontally and not vertically. 

Imagine it as an inverted cone! You start small with a specific niche as you work to gain trust and traction with your clients and customers. As that trust grows, you get to widen your scope within your business offerings! Get that solid foothold in a niche first before you start to branch out. I’m NOT saying you can’t do it all! You just can’t do it all… at once.

How to Nail Down Your Niche Market

Okay, let’s walk through the steps of nailing that niche down. Start with your ideal client, or who you want to serve with your business. What is their gender? Age? Income? Location? Do they have kids? Etc! Work through that and literally uncover as many possible clues as you can about this person. Once you have an understanding of your ideal client, think about what problems they may face in their life. This is the keeyyyy to your next step! 

Next, make sure your business solves a specific problem for your ideal client. You can literally build a niche specific business around the problem you are most passionate about solving!! Remember, you do not have a business if you do not solve a problem. 

Ideal client and a problem to solve. A problem to solve and an ideal client. THEY GO HAND IN HAND when it comes to nailing your niche and allow you to target a very specific group of people. 

As you work to nail down your niche, your brain might be saying “but I have no ideas!” Flip this narrative to “I am open to any and all ideas!” Get curious and pivot as much as you need to! You might not start with the absolutely perfect niche and million dollar business right off the bat, but everyone has to start somewhere. With every try you get closer and closer to your forever niche, the one you can’t stop thinking about and will never get tired of as it grows with you!

Remember that it is in ACTION where we find ANSWERS. There isn’t a right or wrong way to go. There is just trial and error as you nail your niche! Just start and trust your gut to guide you on your journey! 



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I'm Suzy

I'm that friend you talk business with. I believe you've gotta build your dreams one step at a time.

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