I guarantee that you’ve heard the phrase that goes something like “if you do something you love for work, you’ll never work a day in your life” and yada yada yada something like that. But… No matter how much you love your business it’s still going to take hard work. It could take years of day in and day out hustling. Don’t get me wrong, I freaking love working on things that I’m passionate about. Work can be fun! But, at the same time my goal is always to find ways to work myself out of my business.
What does working yourself out of your business mean exactly? Honestly, it means whatever you want it to mean! This could mean selling your business and literally walking away to pursue something new. OR it could mean finding a way to only put your efforts into the parts of your business that you’re obsessed with – where it really no longer feels like work. Freedom and flexibility is the goal! You want your business to work for you – not the other way around.

Here are my best tips to start working yourself out of your business:
1. Hire employees!
Employees are such a gift. When you find the right ones that fit with you and your business they will help you scale so much faster than you could have alone! Great employees take tasks off of your plate that:
- they are more skilled at than you! What a win!
- you don’t want to spend your time on! You’re then freed up to focus your energy on other tasks that you love.
With employees you’ll gain more freedom & increase your productivity and your income. Over time, you’ll hire more employees and continue to gain more freedom.
2. Automate as much as you can.
Automation! By automating the simple and repetitive tasks in your business, you’ll be able to free up both your mind and your time! We are here to break the cycle of spending your time for money. There are countless tools out there these days to help you automate.
- You can plan out all of your social media posts and schedule them in a posting app.
- Find ways to automate all of your bills.
- Streamline communication with your team using a messaging service like Slack so that everything lives in one spot.
- Set up website tracking and have a report automatically sent to you each month to see your stats and how many people are checking it out!
Truly those are only a few examples of how you can streamline and automate systems in your business! There are SO many different ways to do it. Isn’t technology the best?!
3. Establish your reputation and expertise.
Put in the time right from the start to be the best of the best in your niche market! When you establish know, like, and trust with your customers in the beginning, the less time you’ll have to spend down the line trying to market yourself and convincing people to buy from you.
4. Create a passive income opportunity!
This is THE thing to do. Seriously, this is such a genius way to make money. Consider a pain point in your niche market and find a way to solve the problem. Whether that be through an e-book, pre-recorded courses teaching people how to solve the problem, offer ad space on your blog and website… the different creative ways you can do this are ENDLESS! Create an offer that no one else is doing. Do it once. Sell it forever. If done correctly, the work you put into your passive income in the beginning can provide you with so much freedom!
5. Take less clients and raise your rates!
Ok this only comes as you establish your expertise and reputation. But once you get there… you have the power to take on work OR say no to work! This is possible once you’re able to raise your rates. By raising your rates you’ll be able to do less time for the same (or more) income! Let’s walk through an example…
You’re a life coach. You charge $100 an hour. At that rate you have to work with twice the amount of clients for twice as long as a life coach who charges $200 an hour.
Make sense??

Ok how are we feeling?? Inspired? You’ll definitely have to work some days of your life, but you can stop trading your precious time for money and literally work yourself out of your business! I know so many of us in this community crave freedom and flexibility while still being bad-a business woman. At the moment it might feel like that is still far away, but know that it is possible! You got this!
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