

Dreaming of a way to stop swapping your precious family time for money.
Dreaming of a way to make money without constantly being “on”.
Dreaming of a way to work from anywhere, at any time.
Dreaming of a way to make more impact and build a community.
Dreaming of a way to make the income you always hoped you’d have.

I see you over there...

It’s time to stop dreaming because this can be your reality! You just have to choose it.

Grab my spot

Online courses are without a doubt the fastest way to make six figures.

Will it be easy? 
Heck no! I’m not going to lie to you, it is going to require you to roll up your sleeves, get your booty out of “wishing” and into action. If you aren’t afraid of a little business sprint, that ends in an incredible payoff… we won’t let you fail.

I was hosting retreats every other month in a stunning church we had renovated just for events. 20 women at a time, three days long. It was beautiful… it was also totally capped out. I had reached the max on the amount of women, the amount of times and the amount of cute outfits to host so many events. I wanted more impact and income, so I finally decided to make the online course. I’ll never forget the night Todd and I went to celebrate my course launch. It was the last night the cart was open. I snapped this photo because I knew our lives had just changed forever. 

One Online Course Changed My Life

We have a proven system, a step by step process and the recording studio and staff of actual dreams all set up and waiting for you to say “YES! I’m doing it!!” It’s all tee’d up girl… it's time to become an industry leader. Will you take your shot? 

I want this for you.

Sign Up

Did you know the average completion rate of courses is less than 10%? We know the way to increase that past 80%. Not any online course can have that efficacy, but yours will. Effective courses mean bigger transformations and more raving clients. One way we do this:

Top Of The Line Production Studio

If you want to build a lasting brand- you can’t hide behind power points. 

We are building INDUSTRY LEADERS here. Only 20 of them this round to be exact.
We are giving your customers an experience that ensures that you will remain their chosen teacher. Because why would people downgrade to a lesser experience, with an invisible coach. And a cheap feeling product? 

We not only build courses- the getaway car to a different life. But we build the drivers ready to drive that car into the visible lane. The one where peoples head turns when they come across it. Recognized as the leader in their space. The go-to face of the industry. 

Sure you could record an online course that blends in to the other 1000 on your topic out there. With laptop recordings, and a low budget look. Hoping the competition chooses you based on price and not quality. Or you can create something that looks like the best in the industry. 

You get that top of line, best in the biz leader kinda look. I know the price is already freaking you out. Comparable studios are $55,000 to rent FOR THE DAY. 

So why do ours start out at $5500? Because we are passionate about creating leaders. It doesn’t matter if you’re just beginning. We like to play with the kind of people that go all in! The kind of people that KNOW in their heart they have what it takes to be the go-to expert. Just because they are newer at this- doesn’t mean they have to look like it. The kind of people that don’t ever settle for average. They escalate things straight to the top and don’t mess around. The price of this opportunity will increase August 2023. 

Our kind of people show up big with their gifts in the world. (Like 24 foot LED wall big) You know you’re magic. You just need the right way to show it. And let's face it, your social media content seems to be dimming you down– not jooshing you up. 

What would it feel like to look like to embody the industry leader right freaking now? 

It’s not as far off as you think. 


When you create a valuable, in-demand course, the sky’s the limit for how much you can earn. Stick with one or start building your online course empire. 

Save my spot

Save my spot

You will: 
  • Learn our 4 part clarity system to validate your course idea that people will actually buy, and make creating the content easy and fun. 
  • Give your system a sticky name that helps you be memorable 
  • Get the juiciest topic with the client transformation you can stand by. 

Here's What We'll Cover


Choose Your Topic- Define Your Audience

Define your audience and price point 

How to take all the content out of that expert head of yours and make it into a replicable system for success. One that creates the transformation people are stoked to pay for. Using our method you will feel confident that all of the content is organized in a logical and transformative system. You will know what to include in your course and what to leave out. 
Length needed, and how to structure your course to increase completion rates.


Structure Your Course 

Sometimes we think “more is better.” But that isn’t the case. The average course completion rate is below 10%. That is because people get so overwhelmed with content they don’t do anything at all. We will structure your course to get an 80% finish rate. Giving your clients the transformations that have them saying, “How can I work with you again?” You will create a plan that outlines the key topics and subtopics to cover in your course. We will help you develop what tools to include, what to leave out. Providing the perfect outline for module development. 


Course Build Out

($20,000 value) Our state of the art equipment, the optimal recording environment along with the team of experienced professionals will work with you to deliver an online course that is unmatched in quality!

We will see you in our million dollar studio in Phoenix Arizona. Where the lighting, camera, audio and LED wall are the top of the line. You won’t find anything better than this on the market for recording your content. Making you stand out as the leader in your space. Bringing your expertise to the forefront in a powerful (can’t be ignored) kind of way. Worry that you won’t convert well on camera? Our team will guide you through your day so you are engaging and high energy!



Course Creation Days In Studio!

We start getting into launch strategy early. Because why create a course if no one sees it. We walk you through building your email list. Setting up your social media to win with a two hour training on instagram and instagram stories. 



Webinars and live events are an incredible way to take someone from “I’m interested”, to PURCHASE. Using our webinar structure you’ll know how to create a webinar that converts like crazy. This can be running in your business for years! 


Webinar Creation

Upload the content to your chosen platform. You will get a breakdown of the platforms out there and which may be best for you. 


Can’t I just DIY my course?

You can absolutely go this route- spending weeks/ months managing videographers, booking studios, renting lighting, fiddling with audio. Or film on your laptop looking like 95% of courses out there. This may be a good option for you if you just want a one time cash injection and are satisfied with laptop quality content. This is also a good option for you if you have time to experiment learning new skills. Your delay time will be longer getting your course out into the world, and money into your pocket. But with no budget, this is a good place to start!  

But, what would it feel like to look like the industry leader. Right Now? 

It's not as far off as you think 

Platform Selection 

You'll see our online course calculator to know what price point is going to align best with your goals. Setting realistic launch expectations, and getting your eyes and strategy on the prize! Students that are with you for the long haul! 

You will be building alongside a group of other creators to bounce ideas off of, get eyeballs on your course, your marketing. We are in this together! We love the accountability to get shiz done!

If you’re anything like me, you say “ya, I’ll get to that” and you never actually do. But with a group, the resources inside of the community, we will help hold you accountable. You’ll also have that “GO TO PHOENIX TO RECORD MY COURSE” date on your calendar. This opportunity is one heck of a motivator. The slots feel quickly, and once they are gone, they are gone.

 One incredible revenue stream to catapult you into the next chapter of your life, the one where you randomly making money while making dinner on a Tuesday. This is the life of online course sales! 

The E-Learning Market is worth over 315 billion in 2023 and is forecasted to grow at a 20% before 2028.

Claim your seat at that teaching table now! It's not too late.

Pricing will increase after August 2023

Immediate Access To Trainings
Travel and lodging not included. 
Accountability calls with Suzy


Recording dates in August and September

Elite Online Course - Online Course
8:30- 3:30 recording day at the studio. You will leave with a hard drive in hand of hours of your glorious looking content. Your modules will be shot and broken down into folders. You will just need to go in, trim out your flubs and upload it to your chosen course platform. The audio and coloring is all done for you, so it’s as easy as cut and smoosh them together. It does take time, but will save you on some dough! 
Private facebook group


Recording dates in August and September

Elite Online Course- Course
8:30-5:00 recording day at the studio. You will receive a fully edited course uploaded to your chosen platform in modules two weeks after recording. All of your flubs will be edited out, you won’t have to manage the platform tech and you can rest easy, knowing you are almost there! All that’s left is to launch!
Private Facebook Group 



Elite Online Course- Course
Two 8:30-3:30 recording sessions, including a webinar recording day. 1 private coaching session with Suzy and 2 private coaching sessions with the Elite Online Course team to build your course out in real time with you.We will help verify your education system and make sure your launch strategy is locked and loaded. This is perfect for those who are on track to do a six figure course launch and would like extra accountability, support and Suzys expertise to make that happen.
Private Facebook Group