In Home

March 6-8

Unleash your potential and watch abundance and ease flow into your life.

Join me for three transformative days in my home in Phoenix, Arizona

march 6-8


This is a retreat for women ready to release resistance, so they can come into alignment with their most true selves. This is a place where we will close the gap between the business we are now, and the business we would like to become. Learning to put down the hustle and to operate from a place of alignment with the infinite wisdom inside of you will change everything! 

When you are in alignment, clients and customers are drawn to you like a magnet. You are given the answers you need, the people you need, and the opportunities are there for you to claim. We will work with you to translate your magic into marketing. So your energy can flow into all of the right places! 

Intimate In Home Retreat


We will spend three gorgeous days together. Aligning ourselves with the highest version of what we can become. Immersing ourselves in the frequency of abundance, expansion and alignment you will walk out the door more magnetic than ever before. Drawing abundance and ease to you because you simply cannot help it! When you are living in a place of service, passion, have unlocked your own unique magic through marketing and service… abundance cannot miss you!!! 

With all of the noise, an increase of voices on every single platform you need to cut through the static. We will do this by unlocking your unique gifts, energy, and your purpose! We will spend time getting clear on you and the life you want. It is wild how helpful strangers can be in helping you see your unique essence. We are often too close to our magic to see it for what it is. 

march 6-8, 2023
in my home in phoenix, arizona


Intimate experience of  women ready for powerful breakthroughs & transformation.
Monday, March 6: 8:30 am - 4:00pm
Tuesday, March 7: 8:30 am - 10:00pm (or however long we need!)
Wednesday, March 8: 8:30am - 12:00pm
$8,000 paid in full or 1 initial payment of $1,500 and then 7 monthly payments of $1000
Enjoy a gourmet breakfast and lunch Monday & Tuesday and brunch on Wednesday
Video shoot - because video content is king!
Sophomore Suzy School course ($1697 value)
Accommodations & travel are not included


Unlike Suzy Schools of the past, there is no application process. We are getting out of God’s way, and know that the perfect women who are match for this opportunity, and called in at this time will be there. We cannot wait to be in Suzy’s home with you! 

These retreats typically sell out in 24 hours. 

“I went to Suzy School to upgrade my business and instead it upgraded my soul.

Unlike any retreat I've ever been on, the attendees taught me just as much as our fearless leader! Attending was a radical act of self-care and now I feel empowered to go on caring for myself, my family and the women God is sending to be healed by my gifts. There is my life before Suzy School and my life after. So so grateful to be living in the after.”

Taina had a soul upgrade

“I'm ready to level up my business but also my life! 

Suzy School was exactly what I needed and has given me the confidence and a support group to dive into all aspects of my life. Suzy is amazingly talented in how she can bring a room full of women together and let each person shine in their own light. We all felt loved and seen in a way I feel like no one else but Suzy can do. I left feeling so fulfilled and ready to share my spirit with the world.

tricia left feeling fulfilled

“I learned how to turn my gifts into a purpose.

And I received decades of healing in three days. And you know the most incredible part? I fell in love with so many people including myself! For the first time I'm not afraid to be me. 

brit fell in love with herself

Spotlight sessions, meditation, coaching, hiking, breathwork and more.
Work to shift beliefs about yourself so we can step out of the noise, and into the purpose. 
How to step away from beliefs that are no longer serving you.
Group hotseat sessions where you will get the chance to get input and ideas from Suzy and the group. 
A money mindset session! Do you have major money blocks? Are you living in scarcity instead of abundance? Let's change that!

What our time together will look like:

Suzy is a BOLD POWERHOUSE OF ENDLESS ENERGY, a reflection of bursting rainbow skittles in Human form!!! If you are considering signing up to learn from her at Suzy School, don’t think, just fill out the forms to SIGN UP & HIT SUBMIT ON YOURSELF.  

– Tiffanie

Most are living in emotional and financial lack, and you don’t have to! The scarcity of our ego, and the mindset of this so called “required hustle and grind” is limiting us more than we can ever imagine! I believe we are infinite, abundant, whole and worthy! We get stuck in the static of our stories, our past, our limiting beliefs and we let them run the show. 


But what if there was something else running the show? An all knowing, infinitely abundant, creator that you had access to at all times? 

This is the powerful work we are going to be doing in this extremely intimate container. We are going to step into an entirely new way of life and business. Turning up your magnetism and aligning with a place inside you where your questions always have answers. 

If you are one of the few ready to stop grinding, and ready to welcome in ease and abundance. We cannot wait to meet you! 


Suzy Holman

Poster child for the multi passionate. Helping you grow a business aligned with your unique magic.

copyright © 2022 suzy holman