Do The Dang Thing

A live business accelerator to take you from zero to your first customers in four weeks. Get off the starting line and step boldly onto the path of entrepreneurship. 

The time is now

You’re gifted, you're talented, you know you have what it takes. You want to leave the stands and get into the arena! You've been in the spectator seats for far too long! It's time to move. You've put your dreams on the back burner too many times. 

Because you have what most women don't. My proven system in your pocket and my seasoned guidance to help you over the barriers that you haven’t been able to get over in the past. 

But you're wondering how you're going to fit this in between school drop off, endless errands, work, and allllll the laundry?

I know it's easy for it to feel like a "later dream.. for when you have more time." But I'm here to tell you that there are simple steps, and you don't have to wait anymore. We've designed this to move you along the path to success quickly, with massive accountability, so you don’t get left behind. The truth is, the hardest step of building your empire isn't the tenth, or the fifth--- it's that very first step. From zero to one.  

You want to jump out of bed and do work you love! While attending every soccer game alongside a partner who is stoked for your help in sharing the financial load! My beautiful friend, you just gotta get past the first part! I will help you smash through the nitty gritty necessary stuff, the must haves, and the mental blocks that are keeping you looped on the fear of failure. 

It's time to break free from this self-imposed rut and embrace a reality of action! Without breaking the bank!!

Get Off The Starting Line

but, this isn't you anymore!!!

You'll never know if you don't try. And this accelerator is the lowest risk, highest reward way to do that. 

I know it's easy for it to feel like a "later dream.. for when you have more time." But I'm here to tell you that there are simple steps, and you don't have to wait anymore. We've designed this to move you along the path to success quickly, with massive accountability, and time management. so you don’t get left behind. The truth is the hardest step of building your empire isn't the tenth, or the fifth--- it's that very first step. From zero to one.  

You want to jump out of bed and do work you love! While attending every soccer game alongside a partner who is stoked for your help in sharing the financial load! My beautiful friend, you just gotta get past the first part! I will help you smash through the nitty gritty necessary stuff, the must haves, and the mental blocks that are keeping you looped on the fear of failure. 

It's time to break free from this self-imposed rut and embrace a reality of action! Without breaking the bank!!

You’re gifted, you're talented, you know you have what it takes. You want to leave the stands and get into the arena. The stadium is your life and you've been in the spectator seats for far too long! It's time to move. Your dreams have been stagnant, and you've put them on the back burner too many times. 

Because you have what most women don't. My proven system in your pocket and my seasoned guidance to help you over the barriers that you haven’t been able to get over in the past. 

But you're wondering how you're going to fit this in between school drop off, endless errands, work, and allllll the laundry?


Class Starts October 12

4 weeks of coaching



private virtual community  

I'm in! >

October 12 at 10:00 AM PDT
October 17 at 6:00 PM PDT
October 20 at 12:00 PM PDT
October 25 at 9:00 AM PDT
October 27 at 12:00 PM PDT
October 30 at 12:00 PM PDT
November 2 at 11:00 AM PDT
November 7 at 10:00 AM PST

In one year from now your life could look completely different. At home with your kiddos watching your bank account grow as you contribute to your families future. Doing work that lights you up! 

I'm Suzy, I've worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs to grow their businesses. And I need  you to know. "If it's in you... it's for you!" Trust that little glimmer in your soul that telling you "YOU CAN DO THIS! YOU WERE MEANT TO!"

We Will Light Up The Stepping Stones For Success

Weekly workbooks 

These thoughts may be holding you back:

"I don't think it will work."

We have created this accelerator to save aspiring entrepreneurs loads of time and money. We wanted the barrier of entry to be as small as possible. So you can prove your concept, and start growing your business. We are committed to showing you the way to do it with as little expense as possible. 

"No one will buy from me."





"I don't want to waste my time and money. I'm scared of spending both on something that won't work."

I'm scared to invest money and lose it. 


"I'm scared I'm going to fail."

We aren't going for 1000 people here. We are going for your first 10. Walking you through exactly how easy it will be to get your first customers! 

We will will teach you how to build a business people are begging for. You won't look stupid, you'll be a hero who helps them! 

We know it's cliche that "everything you want is on the other side of fear." But, it really is. We will spend time loosening limiting beliefs, until you're confident in yourself and your abilities!  

Depending on your business model and offer- you can get running with almost zero cost. 

"Nobody starts with $10k weeks.
Nobody starts with 10k emails.
Nobody starts with 10k followers.
But you know what they did do?
They started."


Online Suzy School truly changed the trajectory of my business and my life. It was truly the best investment I could have made. Since finishing Suzy School I have transformed my cookie decorating hobby into my full time career. I left my full time job as a high school teacher and now am able to make my own schedule and do what I love every single day!

— emily

“I left my full time job.”

— timothy

Ten years ago I was an oncology nurse. Working night shifts and coming home to my newborn baby. I was completely exhausted to the core. I bought a Costco camera and fell in love with taking pictures. I really wanted to try photography as a business, but I was terrified to put myself out there. Thinking to myself "I'm embarrassed to tell anyone I want to do this! Everyone is so much better than me!"

Until one day I was FINALLY brave enough to tell my friend I wanted to take her newborn photos. 

I was terrified.

I charged $35 dollars and that one money exchange changed the trajectory of my family's life. I want this moment for you!

 I was there too


I'm in! >


This one month business accelerator will get you out of overwhelm and on your way to the life of freedom and fulfillment you crave.

We light up the stepping stones for success. Learn how to create an irresistible offer, set the perfect price point. And set up your first website (for free or cost effective).  

All the LLC mumbo jumbo. We will guide you through that so you become legally legit without a migraine ;) 

We are creating your MVP! A product people will pay you for. It doesn't stop there. We'll teach basic marketing principles required to run a business! 

Here's How It Goes Down: Live Events 2x/Week  

60 minute live calls, twice a week

Startup Success Plan

see you there!

Immersing yourself in the frequency of Suzy School will bring you to a place of clarity and perspective. What Suzy School is known for, is the energy of our group containers. You just have to show up, be present, and open to exploring life in an entirely new way. Get ready for the magic to unfold as twice a week, you're jolted into this incredible frequency. 

A Place To Ask Questions

feel fully supported

We know that questions are going to come up. That's why we provide you a safe and supportive space to ask those questions. We will have Q&A session every call. Inside of our private community our group facilitators and like-minded participants will be there to offer their insights! 

The Frequency

This changes everything


The ON FIRE feeling of your first customer! You'll learn how to put yourself out there in a way that doesn't feel gross, you'll be showing up in service! Offering to customers something they have been waiting for! You'll feel confident your ability to help and sell.

Don't freak out about this part. We will help you through the mindset challenges that are for sure going to come up. We are known for our mental block breakthroughs, they are guaranteed.

Theres nothing like the feeling of your first customer! And that feeling is almost here!  

First Customers... CHECK! 

it's go time 

I'll teach you everything you need to know, and have time for questions. No more wandering through the virtual jungle, desperately searching for the information and motivation you need to kickstart your journey towards your dream. With these transformational zoom events, you'll get the energetic kick in the butt you need. And laser-focused guidance. In these power packed zoom sessions, we will equip you with a meticulously crafted, step-by-step plan that enables a cost efficient and effective launch of your business! 

No more confusion.

Crystal-clear clarity on the path forward.

$3000 value

Join Now For as Little as $187

total value of over $3000

(with playback available)

Payment plans available!

If you can't make it to the live events. Each call will be recorded. We have varying call times to accommodate different schedules.

Finally know where to start. Confidently walk the proven path to your first customer.

Get legally legit to do business. 

Will this work for the type of business I want to start? 

Know your customer.


 Give them what they need/want.


Exchange money for helping them.



Market your help to more people.

The ON FIRE feeling of your first customer! You'll learn how to put yourself out there in a way that doesn't feel gross, you'll be showing up in service! Offering to customers something they have been waiting for! We will show you how to reach out without feeling gross. And how to offer (and sell) your products or services. 

Don't freak out about this part. We will help you through the mindset challenges that are for sure going to come up. It really isn't about you, it's about how you can help them!


We've worked with graphic designers, boutiques, florists, course creators, audio artists, photographers, wedding planners, health coaches, chefs, accountants, interior designers, e-book creators, spray tan business, house keepers, nanny services, aestheticians, home organizers, seamstresses, crafting companies, counselors, subscription boxes, kids crafts, t-shirt companies, vintage resell companies, bakers, brick and mortar store owners, paper companies, yoga teachers, retreat holders, virtual assistants, tutors, travel advisors, mortgage brokers... the list goes on! No matter what type of business you start, these four steps are always the same.


We don't want you to be drowning in subscriptions before you even get started. Did you know some banks will even pay you to start an account with them?

Save money

You can piece all of the 'must haves' together yourself from what you find online. But, in our proven way. You get to go much much faster.

Save time 

No doubt it's overwhelming. We will move you through it. In meeting twice a week, you'll not only feel ready to take action, but excited to keep going! No falling off the wagon! 

Save stress

— brit k.

My husband and I did coaching with Suzy. We used to work non- stop and had such a scarcity mindset we were afraid to live the life the way we wanted. We now have the life we want and spend each day together in freedom and peace. Work is no longer a grind, but a joy, we've never been happier. Suzys programs have changed my life, and I'm forever grateful.

"We now have the life we want, and spend each day together in freedom and peace." 

Don't be in this same spot a year from now.

So let's do the dang thing!

“Last year was my best in business.”

Last year was my best in business. My goal was to hit 6 figures and I ended the year at 116K!!! Thank you so much for all your tangible and mindset help! 

charity had a 6-figure year!

Yes, It Really Works

“Since Suzy School my business has grown far beyond all my expectations!!”

So thankful to Suzy & her team for the knowledge imparted on me to help me grow my business from seedling to wild success!

Elizabeth grew her business

“I literally went from zero to starting a shop.”

Suzy School gave me the confidence I needed. I learned that in order to see something through you have to start it and fail along the way to achieve success. 

Gracelyn launched a clothing business

Through Suzy's expert guidance, insane energy and a little tough love, you will walk away from this "open for business" with knowledge that will never leave you, and a newfound YOU to be proud of. 

We know that the energy exchange in our zoom events can be life changing. You have to open yourself up to receive. We will show you the way.

What would you do if you had just a few extra hundred dollars a month from your own business? That reality is not far away!! 

let's do the dang thing!

There are going to be nights when you just need someone who gets that you're trying something new, and uncomfortable. The private Circle community will have your back when you need that support!

Sisters who get what you're going through.


Private Community Group


Have a clear plan for marketing your offer to those who already want your help.

Feel confident and knowledgeable to keep taking steps forward! Keep that momentum going!

Feel fulfilled and make money. Get ready for a new sense of freedom. Where you are headed, you haven't been before. And it's going ot blow your mind!

By the end of this month you could


Have your first business started, online, and ready to accept payment!

Understand your strengths, how does that make a profit? More confidence in yourself than you have ever had.

Be legally legit! With an LLC, a bank account. All the big girl stuff :) 

“This was HUGE for me because it was my way of showing myself I was done listening to other people, and I was going to start tuning in and listening to myself and my own opinions more.”

kelsey invested in herself

“Ginny encouraged me to finally go out on my own and start my own business. I don't regret it for a second!

claire Started her own biz


real results

I love starting fires.

It's time to stop waiting for "the right time" because it's never coming. It's time to stop scrolling... do you know how much time you could be putting in on your business? Imagine how good it will feel when the customers are flowing, and you have more room in your budget for freedom and play? 

Take the first steps and watch the path light up in front of you! I can't wait to walk the steps of this journey with you. With more enthusiasm and fun than any online course could EVER compete with. 

hey there!

This program is the only one of its kind because...

it walks the steps with you.

One of the common problems with online courses, is that people don't get around to them. People get stuck and drop off. That is why this live container has accountability. I am here to keep you out of confusion and energized so you can get those first customers under your belt. And your life moving in a direction you're stoked on! 

Let's Do The Dang Thing!


What if I can't make the live calls?

All of the calls are recorded and uploaded to the program platform so you can watch anytime. You have access to the calls that are recorded and in the program portal for 1 year. Whether you can join live or not, the program energy will be felt whenever you engage with the content!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this really worth the money?

It depends on how much your time is worth to you? For $367 you get to zoom through the parts people stay lost in for years. You might actually spend $367 to understand that business isn't actually meant for you. Then you won't waste anymore time going down a path that simply doesn't light you up. You won't know, unless you try.

What if I miss some calls and fall behind?

There's no way to fall behind in this program! Watch the recordings at your own pace, or join live.

Do you offer refunds?

Because this program includes live trainings, there are no refunds. We want to fill this space with people who are a heck yes, all in, fully committed to their transformation. Even if it feels scary to dive in, if you're feeling called to this program, we hope you trust yourself! 

How long will I have access to the content?

You will have access to the content for 1 year.

Will I get coaching from Suzy?

There will be no individual coaching from Suzy during this container, only group coaching! You will have support from the community in the private portal to bounce ideas off of and get feedback from the other women.

How is this different from the Suzy School Freshman Course?

This is like the step even before Freshman Suzy School. Before you are ready to market to more, you need your first 3 customers. If you've taken the Suzy School Course, but didn't get as far as you wanted. Likely you could benefit from the accountability and support from this accelerator. 

How much time will this take every week? 

This depends on the business you are building. Plan around 5 hours per week. 2 hours for calls, and 3 hours for implementation. We will spend time on calls implementing together as well. Our goal is the same as yours--- get the dang thing done in as little time as possible.