you're officially invited to:

The words most commonly used to describe Suzy School.

Get UNSTUCK so you can live a life filled with freedom, pleasure, and juicy AF profits.

The words most commonly used to describe Suzy School.

Get UNSTUCK so you can live a life filled with freedom, pleasure, and juicy AF profits.

If you're looking to stay comfortable consuming content of other peoples insanely cool lives, instead of creating your own ... this is not the place for you.

→ you don’t have clarity 
→ you’re not confidently showing up
→ you aren't living in flow
→ there’s *something* stopping you and you just can’t unlock it 
→ your income doesn't make you feel alive.

You're stuck. Things aren't turning out like you'd hoped.

(spoiler: THERE IS…more on that soon)

What if there was a way to blast through your limiting beliefs. Understand, how to bring in the income yo udream of, and plug into strategies that actually work.

Imagine if you traded in self-doubt for next level belief, and every area of your life changed. Maybe...

*Your business built around your innate giftings would double or triple your current income. 

*Your relationships with others would come alive as you are showing up authentically in every situation.

*Your community would grow as your message and purpose is clear and magnetic. 

*The scarcity spiral of never having enough money would end.

*Your days would be filled with peace instead of worry. 

But this is the type of transformation that comes when you learn how to unlock the magic! 

Embodying this version of you is not as far off as you think. The only thing stopping you from becoming the person you know deep down you really are... is you.

We have some work to do. 

What would a breakthrough mean for you? 

These may feel like fantasies...

Being stuck prevents you from reaching you full potential. It feels terrible too. When you understand why you're stuck, you can break free from limitations, you open yourself up to new opportunities, experiences, and your next level successful self!!







You need to learn exactly the steps to get your business (even if you don't have one yet) making real money!

Your business has some issues. It's why you're stuck. We will diagnose what's not working, so you can change it and enjoy the profits. 

Stop the anxiety, pressure, doubt and stress by understanding what you can do to make more money! 

I'm Suzy...

…serial 7 figure entrepreneur, recovering influencer, mom to 4 annnnd a business coach who’s passionate about launching women into their PURPOSE.

What I’ve learned from serving hundreds of women in your exact shoes…

hey there!

There are simply too many places to get stuck as a female entrepreneur (most of those places exist in our minds)

And too many people giving out sketchy advice.

We keep hearing from the online ‘gurus’ that all you need to do to make millions is sell a $47 digital product, promote your $197 course, or make endless B rolls to peddle a course someone ELSE built.

But I’m calling bullshit on that ❌ 

→Because where does that leave your calling?
→Where does that include the pleasure of building your creations?
→How does that light your soul on fire?

Sure, it might be part of your strategy. But selling a low ticket course isn’t the answer to the financial freedom you and your family crave. 
Buying a course isn’t the answer isn’t the answer to unlocking the treasures hidden inside you and unleashing your magnetic feminine energy.


Because you're just stuck. 
You need to figure out your superpower
You need to get out of your own way.
You need to understand proven strategies to turn your dreams into money $

Annnnd you need aligned community to SPUR YOU FORWARD 💗

heres what happens when they breakthrough :

👉Women see themselves entirely differently once they walk out the door. 
👉They understand how to access their innate wisdom, an no longer need to rely on coaches
👉 They become magnetic to follow as they vibe at an entirely new frequency. 
👉 They blast through money blocks.
👉 They have aligned goals, that are achieved with pleasure instead of grind.


An virtual two day retreat designed to bring you your breakthrough. 

Show up, play all out... and get ready to crush your goals and step into who you really are.

A mixture of strategy, soul, and body... 

Where we are going, you have never been before. And what you find is going to blow your mind.

I was born to do this work ...

 …over the last few years my retreats have skyrocketed in price as I served up more advanced business strategies. (hello 8k retreats)

But what I've found is that it wasn't the strategies that changed everything for people... it was who they became after working with me. 

But I'm calling bullshit on that  ❌

→Because where does that leave your calling?
→Where does that make room for your superpower?
→How does that light your soul on fire?

Sure, it might be part of your strategy. But selling a low ticket course isn’t the answer to the financial freedom you and your family crave. 

Buying a course isn’t the answer isn’t the answer to unlocking the treasures hidden inside you and unleashing your magnetic feminine energy.

Trusted by brands like:





I know you want the clarity and tools to in your life and business. 

You’ve been trying one thing from a guru here, another thing from a guru there. Switching between ideas like outfits. 


You feel STUCK (and maybe a little soul sucked…I’ve been there)

But are you destined to be on the ground forever? 

Hell no sister! We are going AIRBORNE 🦋

To a place where you will find freedom- of your time, money, and mind. Find who you are... and actually LOVE the process! 

We’re going to a place where money flows easily, in exchange for your gifts in the world.

With joy and pleasure and deep alignment.

Where you can get results like Chrissy’s:

I know you want the clarity and tools to                                    in your life and business. 

quantum leap

"In the last 6 months I have tripled my following and quadrupled my income. QUADRUPLED.

The income I had… TIMES 4. What?! We’re saving for a down payment on our dream home and we’re almost there. Thank you so much. Thank you for teaching me how to actually execute my goals and dreams. I’m so grateful!!" 

— chrissy l

Because you need a mindset shift, but you need the business strategies that work too. 

Because you’re already doing all of the things. 

But *something’s missing*. 

You wonder why it's taking you forever to see success

And you *could* keep piecing together business strategies, and learning from failure after failure….

…or you could get help to show you whats not working and why. You will get eyeballs on your offers. Are they good? Why aren't they selling?

Real life feedback on your business (even if you don't have one yet, but want one) will save you so much time and heartache. You will finally know, what the missing pieces are!⚡💕

You might have beautiful people in your inner circle, but if no-one’s trying to do big and scary things, it gets lonely. 

Your husband’s good, but let’s be honest, there’s only so much business chat he can handle …(inserting the melting emoji on his behalf)

And another scroll through instagram, or free podcast episode just isn’t gonna cut it. 

What you need is an experience like no other. In a sisterhood like no other. With a leader like no other.

You need a place where you will 

The energy and insights from Suzy were electric, propelling both my business and personal development forward. This experience wasn’t just one of the best for my business—it was

— amy d

— kassie d

“It’s hard to put a price on the transformation and growth I experienced during the program. 

If you’ve been following me for a while, you might’ve heard about the power of when you’re in the room at Suzy School (total game-changer).

You might’ve heard reviews like these:

Suzy’s energy and enthusiasm cannot be beat. She has the ability to cut through all the noise of fear and doubt to help you soar. I wish I had a lifelong pass to Suzy School because it was a

it to anyone looking for a shift in their life.”

“I honestly cannot say enough good things about it! Get in the room!

life changing experience and I would recommend 

one of the best experiences of my entire life.”

It was truly the best investment I could have made. Since finishing Suzy School I have transformed my cookie decorating hobby into my full time career. I left my full time job as a high school teacher and now am able to make my own schedule and do what I love every single day! 

— emily r

“Online Suzy School truly changed the trajectory of my business and my life. It gave me clarity and direction for exactly what I needed to do to scale my business and take it to the next level.

Cookies used to be a fun way for me to make a little extra cash, and now I am making my old salary and then some. Suzy School gave me the tools I needed to turn my business into something that has given me the life I thought would only be possible in my dreams. I am SO thankful that I decided to make the jump and invest in myself two years ago with Suzy School!”

Suzy’s energy and enthusiasm cannot be beat. She has the ability to cut through all the noise of fear and doubt to help you soar. I wish I had a lifelong pass to Suzy School because it was a

it to anyone looking for a shift in their life.”

Whatever it is that draws you in to Suzy’s presence, know you’re going to get 10x more than you can even imagine right now (and probably in areas of your life you’re not even thinking about at the moment)

— sarah b

“I'm so grateful you UNLEASHED me!”

....Suzy’s superpower is money.

— kaben k

I knew the direction I wanted my business to go, but wasn't sure exactly how to get there, or the best path to take. After this past weekend I feel like I have a clear vision for the direction I need to go and the steps I need to take to get there. Plus, a community of amazing women who will bother supporting me along the way.”

“Attending Suzy School helped me get clarity around the why and what of my business.

“She unlocked my ability to get money into our business, 10x more than I was imagining!

— kendra

So how does this work?

A two-day INTENSIVE designed to get you unstuck, and blast you to your next level of success  

This is not a zoom call where you silently watch and no one knows your name.  


We alternate between main stage teachings, somatic sessions and group breakouts where you will connect with one another and get feedback on your sticking points. 

Utilizing the same virtual event technology used by giants like Tony Robbins--- this virtual event will be like nothing you've ever attended online.

  • Suzy is known for calling in and curating groups of the most epic people.... those ready to accept their callings in this life and do the work they were sent here to do! The community app is available as soon as you purchase to start meeting fellow attendees. 


2. sacred community

This is for female entrepreneurs. It doesn't matter your size, or if you've even started yet.

We’ll dive deep into the discovery of your brand, your marketing and your offers

These three pieces are critical to the success of any business.  

3. Business learning

We recommend getting a hotel, or sequestering yourself away at home with NO distractions. You DESERVE this interruption free time to find yourself.

When was the last time you took two entire days dedicated to yourself? 

"I don't have time" is a lie we tell ourselves so we can stay small and play it safe. Women who win MAKE THE TIME so they can be successful. Will you give yourself this gift? Or is the BS story about everyones needs being more important than your own, going to hold you back (for the trillionth time)? 


With a trained and trauma informed breathwork facilitator leading the way. You will unlock the codes held in our body, and release what is no longer serving you. This invigorating and game changing session will be POWERFUL!! 

I can't wait to



In this sisterhood you'll get:

In your pod you will get feedback on your specific business (even just your idea of them if they aren't in the world yet). This type of feedback is worth its weight in gold! 


You’ll get connected with the best women, be inspired by their successes, and create your own little black book of contacts on your journey. Collaboration is critical in todays landscape. Find the right people! 


You’ll get to share your experiences and wisdom, in the most beautiful energy where you’re safe to be yourself.

⚡You’ll be seen, get to share your wisdom, and be catapulted into a whole new frequency during these two days ⚡

Women coming together to unleash their potential? Yes please 

You’ll be hosted as a community in CIRCLE, where we will share wins, and get access to the community and learning library for 6 months after the event. 

✔️ Show you your gaps
✔️ Bring clarity to your marketing 
✔️ Systems 
✔️ Offer refinement

you know your life will change, but your bank account will too. 

We'll be leading you through exercises to:


… You get instant access to the learning library, to binge the blueprints used to generate multiple millions of dollars for Suzy School and her clients. ($2497 value).

watch the moment, when your life changes. 

⚡We’ll dance 
🙏We’ll cry as the energy in the room turns sacred. 
💗We’ll hold space for one another. 
🌵We’ll feel more alive than we have in years. 

…and you'll leave knowing how to 

make any vision, dream, or desire a reality.

Did someone say “life changing”? 

Oh ya. Most that come to one of Suzys events say just that.... 

“Being in the room with Suzy was pure magic…The only way to describe it for me is a mystical leveling up.”

The juicy details:

This will take place virtually. 

→ 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM PST
→ June 7-8, 2024

45 minute lunch break, and breaks every few hours.  You don't want to miss a minute but if you do, we get it!! Replays will be available for 6 months after the event.


Are you ready to reach your potential?

Are you ready to go all in on yourself? 

To see what the limitless version of you acts like. 

To finally become the creator of your reality, not a victim to it. 

“Literally the BEST business training I’ve EVER been to!

She changed my perspective of business and my life through her program! Suzy brings love and joy into her trainings! 


“I literally went from zero to starting a shop, it gave me the confidence I needed. I learned that in order to see something through you have to start it and fail along the way to achieve success.”


“Coming in I felt stuck. Even though I have a successful business I knew I was meant for more but didn't really know what the next step would be. 

Overall I was skeptical, easy to judge and criticize even though I was trying so hard to be a positive person. Now I feel like the positivity and optimism comes naturally and is really just spilling out. I was so weighed down by other people's opinions and energy before, I feel like I can really let that go now.



There’s nothing that zooms your progress faster than getting in the room. 

👭🏽Creating connections, finding collaborators, meeting your soul. 

You’ve seen women’s lives changed after attending one of our events.

Your metamorphosis is here.

“I'M PROFITABLE!!!! March 20k profit, April 40k profit

– Sarah b

Anyone who ever comes to you MUST do EVERY LAST THING they decide with you. Otherwise they just prolong their dreams!!!

"I'm so grateful I found you. I'm so grateful you are YOU
I'm so grateful you UNLEASHED me!"

“Ginny encouraged me to finally go out on my own and start my own business. I don't regret it for a second!

claire Started her own biz


Okay, so who is this for?

You’re a dude (sorrrrry ILYSM though) 

You're not willing to play all out.

This is for:

Women in business who feel stuck and frustrated. The brave women ready to create a different life than what they are living now. 

Want to reach their next income bracket

Need clarity for their next step

Feel called to something greater

It's for the ones who:

Need to remove the blocks holding them back

Want to tap into their feminine embodiment

Want to be surrounded by the energy of inspiring women smashing their goals

Want to REACH their potential

It’s for women who are 

                                     done playing small, done working so hard with so little to show for it, and need to expand their mind, soul and business.

This is not for you if: 

You're married to your excuses.

You’re not willing to be vulnerable and hold space for sisters doing the same. 

You’re gonna leave our time together with:

✅ Confidence in yourself and your business.
✅ CLARITY for your next move.
✅ A deeper relationship with yourself and the BODY THAT HOLDS YOU
✅ Tactical tools to unlock your business
✅ A new business bestie (she’s waiting for ya). 


→I want you on this epic journey with me if you feel called…

…which means my MOST accessible price ever 🙏 

(Seriously BANANAS 🍌😳)

Here's what you'll pay today:

i'm in! >



when you pay in full

OR 3 monthly payments of


Suzy School Online Course worth $1697

Annnd access to my whole library of past workshops, including:

  • The Launch Formula 
  • Unbeatable Brand
  • Instagram Boost Blueprint
  • Pricing Yourself Confidently 

Total value of business library alone: $2497 

There's still more!
We're giving you templates for registration pages and email flows! Setting you up for success. 🙌

I want *this* container to create the most beautiful LIFT OFF for your heart, your soul and your business 🚀

And if the value wasn’t already crazy enough…

Free workshops

My Whole

Here’s what you get access to the instant you sign up:

did I mention bonuses?

Am I CRAZY offering *allll* this for just $1567?

But I’m genuine when I say what I'm teaching you made me millions and changed my life, I mean it. I want you to have it.


And more than that, I want to see what happens when you answer that deep calling inside you and embrace who you really are.

Your bravery will be required. 

But here’s the thing….

IT's time to go all in on you.

So if you want in? Trust your gut and take the leap.

Because I can’t promise that I’ll do it at this price again. 

I’m famous for changing it up, responding to what feels right at the time, and tweaking my offers to suit my beautiful audience.

So if you want THIS transformational event, and the entire library of bonuses at this price. The time is now.

If you have watched all of the online content in the library, and attended and participated 100% in the event and did not have a breakthrough. Suzy will meet with you for an exit interview to learn and money will be refunded for the virtual event. 


Here's what happens after you join:

You’ll receive an email from our team with an intake questionnaire to help us get to know you better. 

You’ll get  access to a library of workshops to dive into before the retreat. ANd get into the community

That means one thing: you’re looking for something to shift in your business and life. 

But, you’re not sure if it's this.

And if you’ve made it *alllll* the way down here and haven’t decided yet?

As CEO of your business, you need to make this call. 

And on the morning after the event, when women are walking out of our epic time together with dreams fulfilled, knowing my proven millionaire strategies, texting their new business bestie a thousand ideas

will you wake up and wish you’d been on the journey with them?

OR…will you have found something else that moves the needle in your life and business?

Either way, I want what’s meant for you, truly.

And if you need help deciding? 

DM me the word QUESTIONS on Instagram, and I’d love to unpack this with you. 

Trust your gut girlfriend.

Do I need a business to attend?

No, you don’t, but you’re going to have to work a little harder to implement so you can build the foundation! You’ll get immediate access to Suzy School Online Course to get started.


Am I too far along for this container?

Are you stuck and need a jolt back into alignment? Then no. If you're looking for advanced business strategies to scale over $250k , Suzys $15k mastermind would be a better fit. 

What if I have to miss some parts?

We recommend coming to as much of the event as possible, but you will get the replay for 6 months to go back and watch! 

But don’t just listen to me…

I feel so much lighter and have such a positive outlook on life. I'm excited to research and really think about my next chapter of life.

“A true life shift. How do I even encompass it into words?

— amy d

Her enthusiasm is contagious, and she inspired me so much to the point where I felt like I could truly accomplish everything I would need to do with my business. I so look forward to seeing what the future holds for me and my husband as I apply all of the GOLD that Suzy shared with us. This course was worth every single penny and then some.”

“Suzy is the best cheerleader around! 

— Kaleela C

: You have set me free and I am ready to start sharing my magic!!”

“Ladies, I am in awe of being to able to say that I was in the same room with all of you!! You have helped me with finding the home within myself.

— juline z

Since I left Suzy School I've been reading, journaling, meditating, dancing and dreaming! I'm so focused on staying aligned with my goal. I've said "no thanks" to a lot of social pressures like drinking and going out with friends because I'm prioritizing my health and mental wellness.

I appreciate Suzy's non-judgmental and gentle guidance into an area of opportunity.

“I'm so inspired to lead a healthier, more intentional life. I feel motivated to reinvest in myself and really dive into my true passion which is empowering women.

— amy

Following that one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is.

— ZOey

“This program helped me level-up my business!”

Then be brave, choose into this experience and get ready to transform

You’re a small business owner ready to shift, make real money and find more of who you really are.

there's more for you

Something in your soul says “the time is NOW.”